Country Dancing at School (Book, CD & DVD Bundle)
6 music cassettes designed for easy usage. Each short length tape has one set of tunes on each side, which is then repeated at a slightly faster tempo. The 44 dances are in a loose leaf binder.
Contents | Pages |
Alphabetical List of the 44 dances | 4-5 |
Contents of the CD and DVD | 6-7 |
Read me first! | 8-9 |
Why country dancing? | 10-11 |
How to go about it | 12-13 |
Teaching tips | 14-22 |
Music and sound equipment | 23-25 |
About the various dance forms | 26-28 |
Some 64-count breaks for dances | 29 |
Explanation of symbols | 30 |
Definition of terms | 31-43 |
Circle dances (Mixers) | 45-52 |
Whole set longways dances | 53-59 |
Couple mixers (Sicilian circle dances) | 60-68 |
Trio dances | 69-72 |
Square dances | 73-82 |
Contra dances | 83-88 |
Blank pages for your own dances | 89-92 |
How to use the “puzzle pieces” | 93-94 |
“Puzzle pieces” for creating new dances |